Summer Tree Care and Pruning Tips for Dallas Residents

Summer is a time of celebration, fun and hot weather. This is also the perfect time of year for trees to undergo stress due to heat and long stretches without rain. It’s the time of year that trees need water the most but are challenged as people try to avoid the heat and yard work as much as possible. Or, it becomes the time of year when yard warriors take on the work they’ve put off for an entire year—planting or pruning trees.Summer Tree PlantingThere’s really no law that says planting trees during the summer is a crime. However, there is always the chance that summer planting will lead to tree damage from the heat. Fall or spring planting would be recommended. Be selective and take into consideration what tree species might have the best chances of survival and healthy growth.Summer FertilizingIf your trees experience stunted growth, or you notice discolored or dying leaves, the soil may need a healthy dose of fertilizer. If using nitrogen-based fertilizers, application works best during the early spring and summer months. If your trees are young, late March through early June is the preferred time for fertilizing. Take care that new growth will not be damaged during the winter months.Summer Pruning EffortsYou may want to focus summer pruning efforts on removing dead, diseased or damaged limbs or branches. Pruning in late spring or summer may leave trees open to disease in the fall or winter months. Trees can experience blight, cankers and attacks by insects as a result of summer pruning efforts. Trees that respond well to summer pruning include birches, blue beech, butternut, ironwood and maples.Regular tree pruning, no matter what the time of year, may not be necessary. It’s best to keep in mind that trees grow leaves and branches for a reason. As an example, if your idea of pruning is to reduce a tree’s size or keep it small, you may have planted the wrong tree to begin with.It’s tough to know when to prune, how much to prune and where to prune a tree and the possible damages that can be caused. This is why it makes perfect sense to call a professional arborist who can share the best possible advice. The professionals at Wauson Tree Service have been serving Dallas residents for over 50 years at prices homeowners can afford. We know the ins and outs of the business and the pitfalls homeowners experience when trying to go it alone.Call Walt today for a free estimate at 214-450-8720, or email at walt {at} wausontreeservice {dot} com. Let the experts help. 


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