Pruning Mature Trees for Spring in Dallas

Pruning happens to be the most common maintenance procedure performed on trees. While nature provides an amazing environment for trees to grow in a forest, trees that populate a typical landscape require a much higher level of care and maintenance. Improper pruning can cause a lot of damage that may last for a tree's entire lifetime. Thus, pruning mature trees for spring should be done with the understanding and knowledge of how trees respond and relate to each other.Prune Your Trees for the Right ReasonsPruning, or not pruning, both have the potential to change a tree's growth pattern. When pruning is involved, no branch should be removed without a valid reason. The winter months take their toll on tree limbs and branches. The months leading into spring is the perfect time to remove dead or broken branches, crowded or rubbing limbs and any tree conditions that present a hazard. It's also the perfect time of year to prune trees so that light and air can penetrate better during the spring and summer months just ahead.What Are the Signs Your Mature Trees Need Pruning for Spring?While some people have a natural talent for taking care of the trees and shrubs on their property, the average person is usually left without a clue beyond the normal task of watering them on occasion. The truth is most people are not aware when a tree suffers from diseased or weak limbs. A trained arborist can easily spot the symptoms and suggest needed action.While pruning can take place any time during the year, tree growth, as a rule, is maximized if pruning takes place before spring.  And there are tree diseases like oak wilt that can spread if pruning wounds aren't treated and closed properly. Some tree families, such as birch and maple, tend to "bleed" if pruning takes place too early in spring, yet another reason why it's important to get the advice of a trained and qualified arborist.A qualified arborist can discuss the following techniques with you:

  • Tree Cleaning – removes dead, diseased or dying limbs from the tree's crown
  • Tree Thinning – Selects specific branches or limbs to increase light and air penetration
  • Raising – a technique used to provide clearance for buildings, pedestrians and vistas from low hanging tree branches
  • Reduction – reduces the tree's size, including its height and spread to clear utility lines or tall structures

Never feel like you have to go it alone. If you have any questions or concerns, or just want to become better informed about the upkeep and maintenance of trees on your property, contact the professionals at Wauson Tree Service for a free estimate at 214-450-8720. Or email at Walt {at} wausontreeservice {dot} com.


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